Welcome to the OILS Program
The Organization, Information, and Learning Science (OILS) program has resided in the College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences (UL&LS) since 2012. Dr. Victor Law is an Associate Professor and the Program Director for the OILS Department.
The OILS program offers a Bachelor of Science in Instructional Technology and Training (a 2+2 degree), and a Master of Arts and Ph.D. in Organization, Information, and Learning Sciences. An Educational Specialist Certificate (transcripted) and several professional development (non-transcripted) certificates are also offered
Throughout its evolution, the program has prided itself in its interdisciplinary nature both in curriculum and student population. Academically and in practice, the OILS program is on the cutting edge of learning sciences, human resource development, distance learning/eLearning, and instructional technology.
The OILS faculty is currently made up of 3 tenured and 3 tenure track full-time faculty members, and 1 tenured faculty member who has a 40% appointment. The program also has supporting faculty and administrators from the University Libraries who teach and advise OILS students. Two faculty members outside the College hold secondary appointments in OILS and teach and advise our students and collaborate on research. Adjunct faculty (temporary part-time faculty) teach undergraduate and master’s level courses and graduate teaching assistants, who are predominantly doctoral students in the program, support OILS by teaching undergraduate courses and assist faculty with graduate courses.