Adult Education and Professional Development (AE&PD) New Curriculum (after fall 2021)

This practitioner-oriented track is suited for those who want to work with adult learners and are interested in a career in teaching adults, designing and developing educational and training programs for them. Coursework focuses on adult learning theory, cultural influences on learning, instructional design, development, and evaluation, instructional methods and techniques, mentoring and career development, and distance learning. The courses develop skills in professionals who can design, teach, support, evaluate, lead, and manage programs for diverse adult audiences and contribute towards the continuing professional development of adults. Project-based assignments enable participants to gain real-world experience and skills that can be immediately applied on the job. In addition, participants will contribute their own experiences and expertise in designing and developing learning environments for adults. The program pays special attention to addressing cultural issues in adult learning in a changing global workplace. Careers targeted by this concentration include career development officer, college readiness officer, adult education and training instructor, and educational developer in organizations such as schools, government, higher education, the military, or the corporate sector.

The Master's in Organization, Information and Learning Sciences is offered under two options:

Plan III: Coursework (30 credit hours)

Plan I: Thesis (36 credit hours)

Required Core (15 credit hours) Plan III

Course NumberCourse TitleCredit Hours

(OILS 535


OILS 536)


(OILS 560


OILS 561)

Culture & Global eLearning I1
Culture & Global eLearning II2
Ethics as Design and Reflective Practice I2
Ethics as Design and Reflective Practice II1
OILS 541The Adult Learner3
OILS 544Program Evaluation3
OILS 546Framing Designs for Learning2
OILS 547Prototyping Designs for Learning


OILS 597Capstone


Concentration (15 credit hours)


Choose from: Adult Education and Professional Development;eLearning; Instructional Design and Technology; Learning Officer; Organization Development and Human Resource Development.          15
Plan III Total30


Students must register for OILS 597 Capstone. The Capstone is offered as a 1 credit hour segment 5 times an academic year (Fall 1st Half, Fall 2nd Half, Spring 1st Half, Spring 2nd Half, and Summer). Students should repeat the course three times to fulfill the requirement for 3 credit hours. Students may take the 1 credit hour segments consecutively, but it is not required. For students who plan to graduate in one year, students should take the first Capstone during their second semester. For Students who plan to graduate in two+ years, students may take the first Capstone towards the second to last semester.

Required Courses for the Adult Education & Professional Development (AE&PD) Concentration (9 credit hours)

Students should select three courses (9 credit hours), from the following list in consultation with their advisor.

Course NumberCourse TitleCredit Hours
OILS 540Foundations of Human Resource Development3
OILS 545Cross-Cultural Issues in Adult Learning3
OILS 552Team Development and Facilitation3
OILS 553The Role of Wisdom in Adult Learning Across Cultures3
OILS 555Mentoring and Adult Career Development3
OILS 559Positive Psychology in Organizations3


Elective Courses for the AE&PD Concentration (6 credit hours)

Students may select 6 additional hours of OILS electives in consultation with their advisor. Other OILS classes may be substituted as well.


Required Core Courses (12 credit hours) Plan I

Course Number

Course TitleCredit hours

(OILS 535


OILS 536)


OILS 545

Culture and Global eLearning I


Culture and Global eLearning II


Cross-Cultural Issues in Adult Learning






Culture and Global eLearning II2
Cross-Cultural Issues in Adult Learning3
OILS 541The Adult Learner3
OILS 544Program Evaluation3
OILS 546Framing Designs for Learning2
OILS 547Prototyping Designs for Learning1
Area of Focus (12 credit hours)
Students will work with their advisors to select relevant courses to strengthen their preparation in specific areas of their choosing.



Research Methods (6 credit hours)
Research methods courses, such as OILS 570 and/or OILS 604, with advisor permission6
Master's Thesis (6 credit hours)
OILS 599Master's Thesis6
Plan I Total36